Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Break

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the Jefferson Bears!

Please remember to read over the break! Even if it is only 15 minutes....Reading at home is important to continue building those skills and help students with their fluency!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

I'd like to say congratulations to one of my 1st grade students, AmaiyahV. She has been dismissed from Title 1 reading services!!!
Amaiyah showed that with hard word and persistence she was able to move up to a 1st grade level!
She is now reading at a Level F, and according to Fountas and Pinnell that is right where you need to be for the middle of 1st grade!!
Way to go Amayiah!!!!

I'd also like to welcome a few new additions to my roster:
1st grade:
Adriana W.
Aviona E.
Aliyah W.
Steven S.
Lea R.
Kayne G.
Lukas R.
Alex D.

2nd Grade:
Murren F.
Carly S.
Iyana B.

Some of these students have also starts using Fountas and Pinnell's Leveled Literacy Intervention. They are using many strategies to read books on their level. Everyday we read, write, and practice word building strategies.

Keep up the good work Jefferson Bears!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Connecting Learning Through Nonfiction Text

This week I wanted to give some of the students I work with a special surprise. I found out from their regular classroom teacher that they had been studying and comparing dogs to guinea pigs. I thought it would be a great learning experience for them to actually see, and touch a real live guinea pig.
The students were able to share their new learning's about guinea pigs, and I was able to share all the things I have learned over the years about guinea pigs.
This was great for the students because they are working on nonfiction writing as well.
I see it is a very powerful thing when students can connect their reading and new learning's to a real live event. Student asked wonderful detailed questions, and even shared some experiences with their pets.