Monday, September 30, 2013

Importance of Sight Words

I often see students reading sight words incorrectly. Sight words are an important part of our reading and comprehension. Sight words help us build our fluency as readers.

What are sight words?
These are words that good readers know instantly upon looking at them without having to sound, or "figure them" out.

Why should we learn sight words?

There are two reasons why sight words are an important part of good reading. First, many of these words do not sound like their spelling would suggest, so trying to "sound them out" would be unproductive. Also, a good reader can't afford spending time dwelling on too many words, then you loose your speed and fluency that is needed to determine the author's message.

Did you know........?
The 100 most common words actually make up about 50% of the material we read! 

We can enable our students to greatly increase their reading efficiency when we teach them to read half or more of the words they encounter in a quick and automatic manner.

I found an excellent website that discusses the importance of sight words. It discusses the importance of sight words. You can find word lists, activities and games to practice at home using basic sight words.

Keep practicing those sight words at home Jefferson Bears!!! Keep up the good work with all the strategies you are using to become an excellent reader!!!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Jefferson Bears are working hard on their reading strategies!  One of the things we are working one is pointing to every word as we read, and getting our mouth ready to make the first sound we see.
Here is one of my students practicing sliding a finger under each word and getting her mouth ready for the first sound!

Good readers point to each word so they don't loose their spot while reading!!!

Also, we have been writing things that we have read in our books, or make up a sentence of our own! Here is a student writing about something she just read!

Show your parents at home these wonderful strategies! Keep up the good work Jefferson Bears! 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Getting Ready to Take a Test

Another great week for the Jefferson Bears!
I'd like to welcome another new student to my roster, Ortheis H. I'm so excited to be working with new students and getting to know what strategies they use to read!

Also, MAP testing is in full swing. This test is administered three times a year with an emphasis on student growth. Here are some helpful tips to get your child ready to take a test.
You can assist your child prepare for testing by doing the following: 
    • Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep before a test, and make sure your child eats properly the day of a test.
    • Maintain a pleasant home environment and avoid unnecessary conflicts. Try to make the morning of the test a pleasant one. Do not add to your child’s stress. 
    • Make sure your child has taken any needed medication. 
    •  Ensure that your child is present during testing (children generally perform better when taking tests in their groups rather than at a make-up time.
    • Get your child to school on time the day of the test. 
    • Wish your child good luck each morning of the test. Tell your child that he/she is special and that you believe in him/her! 
    • Remind your child the test is important. Encourage him/her to do his/her best. 
    • If your child is too ill to attend, please call the school office. 
    • If the test is on a subject for which you can review (such as a spelling test), help your child go over the material. 
    • Remind your child to listen carefully to the instructions from the teacher and to read the directions and each question carefully. 
    • Explain to your child the importance of using time wisely. If your child gets stuck on a question, encourage him or her to make the best guess and move on. 
    • Tell your child to attempt to answer all of the questions and not to leave any blank.
    • Encourage your child to stay focused on the test, even if other students finish early. 
    • If your child is disappointed after taking a test, reassure him or her that there will be plenty of opportunities to improve and succeed. 

Have a wonderful weekend!!!!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

First Week

The school year is off to a running start! I was so glad to meet so many new faces and have some of you come read with me! Many Jefferson Bears use some great reading strategies!
I'd like to welcome to my roster the following students:

1. Brandon V.
2. Elizabeth B.
3. Katelyn K.
4. Evan W.
5. Ortheis H.
6. Willie L.
7. Aiden B.
8. Nicole W.
9. Jessica S.
10. Matthew B.
11. Olivia V.
12. Brian R.
13. Jasmine O.B.

I'm excited to work with all these students and build upon those wonderful reading skills they have!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Welcome back Jefferson Bears! I'm so excited to start the school year with all of you! I'm excited to see some new faces as I am new to Jefferson. This will be my first year teaching in West Allis-West Milwaukee. I am excited to get to know all of you and work with you in reading!!!!